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Description: Interverse Project - The interverse is the evolution and combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse 是Web,聊天,IM,和语音通讯的发展和组合。它不只是一个图形化的用户接口(GUI),也是一个沉浸式的用户接口(IUI)。这个项目将开发沉浸式环境中的客户端和内容。 来源:http://sourceforge.net/projects/interverse/ Development Status: 3 - Alpha, 4 - BetaEnvironment: Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience: Developers, End Users/Desktop, Other AudienceLicense: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)Operating System: Windows 95/98/2000, OS Independent, LinuxProgramming Language: APL, C, C++Topic: Communications, 3D Rendering, MIDI -Interverse Project - The interverse evolution and is the combination of the web, chat, IM, and voice communication. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), but an immersive user interface (IUI). This project will develop the clients and content used in the interverse Interverse Web, chat, IM, and voice communications and the development portfolio. It is not just a graphical user interface (GUI), as well as an immersion in the user interface (IUI). This project will develop immersion environment of the client and content. Source : http://sourceforge.net/projects/interverse/ Development Status : 3-Alpha, 4-BetaEnvironment : Other Environment, X11 ApplicationsIntended Audience : Developers and End Users / Desktop, Other AudienceLicense : Lesser GNU General Public License (LGPL) Opera
Platform: | Size: 2022699 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 网页版的IM,能够不需要客户端进行完全类似MSN的聊天。-Web page version of the IM, can the client do not need to be completely similar to MSN chat.
Platform: | Size: 309248 | Author: wujun | Hits:


Description: BlackBerry Hacks will enhance your mobile computing with great tips and tricks. You ll learn that the BlackBerry is capable of things you never thought possible, and you ll learn how to make it an even better email and web workhorse: Get the most out of the built-in applications Take control of email with filters, searches, and more Rev up your mobile gaming--whether you re an arcade addict or poker pro Browse the web, chat over IM, and keep up with news and weblogs Work with office documents, spell check your messages, and send faxes Become more secure, lock down your BlackBerry and stash secure information somewhere safe Manage and monitor the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Mobile Data System (MDS) Create web sites that look great on a BlackBerry Develop and deploy BlackBerry applications
Platform: | Size: 2765824 | Author: Jack | Hits:

[OS programpython-twitter-0.5

Description: python-twitter-0.5是Twitter API的python接口, 可以很容易用它联结开放的Twitter-This library provides a pure python interface for the Twitter API. Twitter (http://twitter.com) provides a service that allows people to connect via the web, IM, and SMS. Twitter exposes a web services API (http://twitter.com/help/api) and this library is intended to make it even easier for python programmers to use.
Platform: | Size: 63488 | Author: richard | Hits:


Description: sparkWeb,基于smpp协议的网页版IM-sparkWeb, web-based version of IM protocol smpp
Platform: | Size: 1592320 | Author: 殷涛 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsCopyof100GreatestScienceDiscoveriesofAllTime

Description: This book briefly de scribes the 100 great est sci ence dis cov er ies of all time, the dis cov - er ies that have had the great est im pact on the de vel op ment of hu man sci ence and think ing. Let me be clear about ex actly what that means: Greatest: “Of high est im por tance much higher in some qual ity or de gree of un der - stand ing” (Web ster’s New Col lege Dic tio nary). Science: Any of the spe cific branches of sci en tific knowl edge (phys i cal sci ences, earth sci ences, and life sci ences) that de rive knowl edge from sys tem atic ob ser va tion, study, and ex per i men ta tion. Discov ery: The first time some thing is seen, found out about, re al ized, or known. All time: The re corded (writ ten) his tory of hu man civ i li za tions.-This book briefly de scribes the 100 great est sci ence dis cov er ies of all time, the dis cov- er ies that have had the great est im pact on the de vel op ment of hu man sci ence and think ing. Let me be clear about ex actly what that means: Greatest: “Of high est im por tance much higher in some qual ity or de gree of un der- stand ing” (Web ster’s New Col lege Dic tio nary). Science: Any of the spe cific branches of sci en tific knowl edge (phys i cal sci ences, earth sci ences, and life sci ences) that de rive knowl edge from sys tem atic ob ser va tion, study, and ex per i men ta tion. Discov ery: The first time some thing is seen, found out about, re al ized, or known. All time: The re corded (writ ten) his tory of hu man civ i li za tions.
Platform: | Size: 1440768 | Author: Dinakara | Hits:


Description: 基于pushlet的im通讯实例,找了很久才找到的,希望对大家有用-Im on pushlet of communication instances
Platform: | Size: 17408 | Author: aaaaaa | Hits:


Description: 功能: 1.在公用网络空间上,登记私有动态IP的地址 2.引导远程用户连接到私有空间或专有地址 3.根据应用( web/即时通讯/OA)不同,登记不同应用的IP地址,方便远端(应用的客户端)读取. 特点: 1.使用 微软网络控件: Microsoft Internet Controls Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 Microsoft Winsofck Control 6.0 EZFTP OLE Control module (第三方Ftp控件) 2.根据网络连接情况,可控制 TP Link 无线路由的重启,用于更新动态/私有IP地址: TP-LINK Wireless Router WR641G/642G TP-Link TL-WR340G 3.可自定义公用空间用户名和密码及路由路的帐户和密码及端口等 4.实时显示软件工作状态,显示连接的情况 5.基本的错误处理机制-Features: 1. In the public network space, the registration of private dynamic IP address 2. Guiding remote users to connect to a private address space or proprietary 3. Depending on the application (web/IM/OA) is different from the IP address registration of different applications to facilitate the remote (client application) to read. Features: 1. Using Microsoft Internet Controls: Microsoft Internet Controls Microsoft Internet Transfer Control 6.0 Microsoft Winsofck Control 6.0 EZFTP OLE Control module (third-party Ftp Control) 2. According to the network connections, can control the TP Link wireless router to reboot, to update the dynamic/private IP address: TP-LINK Wireless Router WR641G/642G TP-Link TL-WR340G 3. Can be defined public spaces and routes the user name and password of the account and password and way ports, etc. 4. Real-time display software work status, shows the connection situation 5. Basic error handling mechanism
Platform: | Size: 416768 | Author: lukan | Hits:

[WEB Code5w_GBK_7.6

Description: 五维网址导航站是国内专业的网址收集和分类网站。随时更新最新的网站导航信息。同时拥有一支专业的各类导航源码开发团队,我们将持续不断的提供导航网站的源码更新。五维网址导航以快捷、实用、方便、特色、个性等优点,让您体验高速上网导航的乐趣!赶快下载使用源码吧! 演示网址:www.yt88.net 五维网址导行源码(v7.6) 更新日期 20101220 完善密码取回功能,并增加外发邮箱设置 自定义导航多项功能完善 优化默认主题首页大小以及浏览器访问速度 自定义导航增加缓存管理设置 增加网址回收管理 修改天气预报在UTF8下显示问题 完善天气预报程序,提高天气显示速度 新增114la、2345等主题 -Five-dimensional site navigation station is a professional Web site to collect and classify websites. Keep updated with the latest navigation information. At the same time various types of navigation has a professional source development team, we will provide ongoing updates the navigation source website. Five-dimensional site navigation to provide a quick, practical, convenient features, personality, etc., allowing you to experience the fun of high-speed Internet navigation! To download using the source code now! Website guided five-dimensional source (v7.6) updated 20101220 Improve the password retrieval function, and to increase the outgoing mail settings Number of functional custom navigation Optimization of the size of the default theme page and browser access speed Custom navigation to increase the cache management settings Web site management to increase recycling Weather modification is displayed in the UTF8 issue Perfect weather procedures, im
Platform: | Size: 6245376 | Author: harry125 | Hits:


Description: 云骞开源IM(Lesktop是一款使用ASP.NET,Ajax和Comet等技术开发的轻量级IM。主要功能特点如下: 1、云骞开源IM的服务端实际上就是一个ASP.NET网站,因此不需要使用独立服务器,仅需要一个支持.NET2.0的Web空间即可将IM部署到互联网上。 2、只需要拷贝两个文件夹,并在页面中嵌入一行代码,就可以将IM集成到自己的网站或企业内部的OA系统中。 数据库配置: Lesktop默认使用SQLite数据库,您可以修改Lesktop/Web.config文件,使用SQL Server数据库,具体方法如下: 将Lesktop/Web.config中的AppSettings中的: 修改为: 配置好名称为Lesktop_ConnectString连接字符串。 -Yun Qian open source IM (Lesktop is a use of ASP.NET, Ajax, and Comet and other technology development lightweight IM. Main features are as follows: 1, Yun Qian of the open source IM server is actually an ASP.NET Web site, so do not need to use a separate server, only need a support. NET2.0 the Web space can be deployed to the Internet, IM . 2, only need to copy two folders, and a line of code embedded in the page, you can integrate IM into their website or business within the OA system. Database Configuration: Lesktop default SQLite database, you can modify the Lesktop/Web.config file, use the SQL Server database, and specific methods are as follows: The Lesktop/Web.config in the AppSettings: amended to read: configured connection string name is Lesktop_ConnectString string.
Platform: | Size: 4771840 | Author: 刘成飞 | Hits:


Description: Hudson 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎。 主要用于: 1.持续、自动地构建/测试软件项目,如CruiseControl与DamageControl。 2.监控一些定时执行的任务。 Hudson拥有的特性包括: 易于安装-只要把hudson.war部署到servlet容器,不需要数据库支持。 易于配置-所有配置都是通过其提供的web界面实现。 集成RSS/E-mail/IM-通过RSS发布构建结果或当构建失败时通过e-mail实时通知。 生成JUnit/TestNG测试报告。 分布式构建支持-Hudson能够让多台计算机一起构建/测试。 文件识别- Hudson能够跟踪哪次构建生成哪些jar,哪次构建使用哪个版本的jar等。 插件支持-Hudson可以通过插件扩展,你可以开发适合自己团队使用的工具。 -hudson auto-build
Platform: | Size: 39009280 | Author: greatplan | Hits:

[WEB CodeXluoChatqq

Description: 这是一款免费开源的控件,作者的初衷是为了让来到网站上的人流资源更好的被把握住. 传统方式的弊端: 靠网站联系方式:有时来客会考虑到电话费的问题,如果长途的话,就会更使其考虑是否需要联系了. QQ/MSN等在线客服,如果客户电脑并没有安装QQ或受到病毒干扰,或本身就没有QQ号,会使这类人群错过. 使用其他网站的收费IM系统,如果其他网站的IM连接字符串形式,会收到其他网站的带宽,流量,等不稳定因素干扰,并且每年的服务费用并不低. PowerTalk控件的好处: 免费开源,使用者可以放心大胆的使用,控件源代码提供丰富的中文注释,可以使使用者看到内核原理. 二次开发性强,控件提供很多属性,接口,以及事件,开发者可以根据自己的需要,任意改装,包括外观,内部存储信息方式,比如数据库或txt等. 系统跑在自己的服务器上,这就不用担心使用其他网站IM带来的干扰影响,并且还是免费的.-This is a free open source controls, the author s original intention was to make to the site The flow of resources to be better grasped. The drawbacks of traditional methods: By Web Contact: sometimes visitors will take into account the issue of telephone charges, if long-distance Then consider whether it would be more in touch. QQ/MSN and other online customer service, if the client computer and a virus or not to install QQ Interference, or themselves do not QQ, will make these people miss. Charges to other sites using IM systems, if the connection string of other sites IM Form, will receive other site bandwidth, traffic, interference and other factors of instability, and The annual service cost is not low. PowerTalk control benefits: Free open-source, users can safely use controls provide a rich source Chinese translations, allows users to see the core principles. Secondary development of strong, control provides many properties, interfaces, and events, deve
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 晓亮 | Hits:

[WEB CodeiWebIM_1.0Beta2_Manual

Description: webim 集成dz,sns,uc.作为一款以解决大型站点高并发高负载问题为主要任务的开源Web IM软件,iWebIM功能强大,易于集成-integrated webim dz, sns, uc as a large site concurrent high load as the main task of open-source Web IM software, powerful iWebIM, easy to integrate
Platform: | Size: 4289536 | Author: k | Hits:


Description: 用pushlets框架实现的web im,在myeclipse下可以直接运行,-a web im demo by pushlets
Platform: | Size: 1346560 | Author: xuchen | Hits:


Description: 我毕业设计用PHP与AJAX实现的网页即时通讯系统,有通信模块,好友管理模块,聊天记录模块,用MySQL储存数据。-I graduated from the design implemented with PHP and AJAX web instant messaging system, a communication module, Friends management module, chats module using MySQL to store data.
Platform: | Size: 408576 | Author: rongzi | Hits:


Description: 这是一款包括了服务器,客户端,网页注册账号的IM软件,仿照了QQ的IM产品,里面包括了聊天,发图片,注册,找回密码,加好友等功能存在-This is a includes the server, client, web registration account IM software, modeled on the QQ IM product, which includes chat, send pictures, registration, retrieve your password, add friends and other functions exist
Platform: | Size: 2495488 | Author: 小彬彬 | Hits:

[Web ServerBICQ_V1.0.3_kKvMsP

Description: BICQ以它超前的开发思路和应用前景,在开发期间就受到许多企业级客户、网站管理层以及普通网友的极大关注,在很大程度上,这更加坚定了我们开发国内首创的Web-IM系统的决心和信心。-BICQ it to advance the development of ideas and potential applications during development are of great concern to many enterprise customers, website management and ordinary users to a large extent, this reinforces our development of the first domestic Web-IM determination and confidence in the system.
Platform: | Size: 1615872 | Author: 廖跳跳 | Hits:

[WEB Codejavascript

Description: Getting started with html and javascript. Im loving it
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: adey | Hits:


Description: 云骞开源IM是一款使用ASP.NET,Ajax和Comet等技术开发的轻量级IM。主要功能特点如下: 1、云骞开源IM的服务端实际上就是一个ASP.NET网站,因此不需要使用独立服务器,仅需要一个支持.NET2.0的Web空间即可将IM部署到互联网上。(Yun Qian of the open source IM is a lightweight IM Ajax using ASP.NET and Comet technologies. The main features are as follows: 1, the service side of Yun Qian's open source IM is actually a ASP.NET site, so there is no need to use an independent server, and only a Web space that supports.NET2.0 can be deployed to the Internet.)
Platform: | Size: 4406272 | Author: 4y5ht | Hits:

[Other10w IM架构方案及分析

Description: 目前游戏的服务器架构主要由“游戏大厅”和“PvP”2个部分组成,而在不断探索中,其后来又在架构中加入了Proxy中转服务器,也正是这个服务器的加入为《王者荣耀》解决了后来“安卓、iOS”同服等一系列出现的问题。此外,他还介绍了《王者荣耀》在网络协议以及同步方案上的一些尝试,并一一复盘了这些尝试的优劣势,并解答了为什么,最终游戏会放弃TCP协议(传输控制协议)与曾经在《霸三国》中所使用的CLIENT-SERVER结构(C/S结构),并且转而使用了UDP协议(用户数据报协议)与帧同步同步方案。(At present, the server architecture of the game is mainly composed of 2 parts: "game hall" and "PvP", and in the continuous exploration, it later joined the Proxy transfer server in the architecture. It is the addition of this server to "King glory" to solve a series of problems such as "Android, iOS" and so on. In addition, he introduced some attempts of the Royal glory to network protocols and synchronization schemes, and reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of these attempts, and answered why the final game would give up the TCP protocol (transmission control protocol) and the CLIENT-SERVER structure (C/S structure) that had been used in the kingdoms. And the UDP protocol (User Datagram Protocol) and frame synchronization synchronization scheme are used instead.)
Platform: | Size: 2176000 | Author: tmpsammy | Hits:
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